DotA 6.71 Changelog

- Increased Aphotic Shield cast range by 50

- Ghost Ship cooldown reduced from 100 to 90
- X Marks The Spot Return icon placement and hotkey adjusted
The return ability now takes the position of the main ability when it is active and uses the same hotkey as the primary spell

- Movement speed reduced by 5
- Chemical Rage bonus HP from 350/700/1050 to 300/600/900

- Battle Hunger cooldown reduced from 25/20/15/10 to 20/15/10/5

- Fiend's Grip Scepter duration from 5 to 6 seconds

- Bloodbath now gives 50% of its normal regeneration if he doesn't kill the target but is near it
This change does not affect creeps, it is hero only. By default you gain 10/20/30/40% of a dying hero's max HP if you get the killing blow. If you don't but are within 200 range of the dying hero, you gain 5/10/15/20% of the max HP.

- Track team bonus gold from 50 to 50/100/150 (this is still considered Reliable Gold)

- Back damage prevention from 10/20/30/40 to 16/24/32/40
- Side damage prevention from 5/10/15/20 to 8/12/16/20

- Base movement speed reduced from 315 to 310
- Spawn Spiderlings manacost increased from 75/90/105/120 to 80/100/120/140
- Spawn Spiderlings buff duration increased from 0.9 seconds to 2

- Phantasm duration increased from 20 to 24

- Test of Faith cooldown rescaled from 30/28/26/24 to 24

- Dragon Blood regeneration increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5

- Shrapnel DPS increased from 10/20/30/40 to 12/24/36/48

- Enchant Totem no longer dispels if you animation cancel

- Chronosphere duration rescaled from 3/4/5 to 4/4.5/5

- Sprout can now target the ground again
Fixed a previous issue where it became harder to target a unit reliably
Sprout: A21E

- Tether movement speed bonus reduced from 20/25/30/35 to 15/20/25/30
- Spirits cooldown rescaled from 14 to 20/18/16/14

- Lifebreak HP cost rescaled from 40/33/25% to 35/30/25%

- Cold Snap no longer triggers on self damage

- Macropyre damage increased from 75/125/175 to 100/140/180

- Healing Ward regeneration rescaled from 1/2/4/5 to 2/3/4/5%

- Manaleak now applies a stun instead of a slow when the target runs out of mana
Stun duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0 seconds
- Manaleak duration from 5/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7
- Manaleak cooldown from 20 to 18

- Diabolic Edict is no longer reduced by damage block items(Stout, Vanguard, etc)
- Fixed Pulse Nova sometimes turning itself off after getting hit by certain ability types
Pulse Nova: A21F
Aghanim: A21G
Deactivate: A21H
Deactivate: A21H

- Attack range increased from 600 to 625

- Feral Impulse damage and attack speed bonus increased from 10/15/20/25% to 15/20/25/30%

- Skewer cooldown reduced from 45 to 35

- He can now use cyclone on his other clones

- Adaptive Strike damage rescaled
Original: Up to 0.75/1.5/2.25/3.0x Agility
New: 20/40/60/80 + up to 0.5/1/1.5/2.0x Agility

- Urna Swarm rebalanced
- Maximum summons reduced from 2/4/6/8 to 2/3/4/5
- Infestation dps increased from 20 to 40
- Infestation aoe increased from 275 to 300
- Cooldown rescaled from 14/11/8/5 to 26/19/12/5
- Manacost rescaled from 10 to 40/30/20/10
- Infestation aoe increased from 275 to 300
- Cooldown rescaled from 14/11/8/5 to 26/19/12/5
- Manacost rescaled from 10 to 40/30/20/10

- Arcane Orb cooldown removed

- Ignite rescaled
- Damage increased from 10/20/30/40 to 26/32/38/44
- Slow increased from 10/15/20/25% to 20/22/24/26%
- Duration from 7.5 seconds to 4/5/6/7
- Duration from 7.5 seconds to 4/5/6/7

- Coup de Grace critical strike rescaled from 2/3/4 to 2.5/3.25/4x
- Reworked Blur fade mechanism
Note: Your hero is no longer always fully faded out. It now only gains partial transparency when the new secondary effect below is active. This still retains the permanent 20/25/30/35% evasion.
Passively blurs your hero when near enemy heroes, causing your model to fade out partially and become hidden on the minimap to enemy player.
Distance: 1600
Has a 1.5 second delay when adding or removing the effect.
Note: Your hero is no longer always fully faded out. It now only gains partial transparency when the new secondary effect below is active. This still retains the permanent 20/25/30/35% evasion.
Passively blurs your hero when near enemy heroes, causing your model to fade out partially and become hidden on the minimap to enemy player.
Distance: 1600
Has a 1.5 second delay when adding or removing the effect.

- Base strength reduced from 22 to 19
- Sunray activation manacost increased from 10 to 35
- Sunray slow from 14/20/26/32 to 10/16/22/28%
- Fixed a bug that caused Sunray to always affect the first target regardless of magic immunity
- Reduced the duration Sunray slow lasts on you from 2 to 1 second
This is the duration that the slow lasts on you after you are no longer hit by the Sunray.

- Dark Rift cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 130

- Strength gain reduced from 1.45 to 1.2

- Shadow Strike duration damage rescaled from 15/30/45/60 to 30/40/50/60

- Ether Shock damage increased from 75/150/225/300 to 80/160/240/320

- Burrowstrike manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140

- Pounce cooldown reduced from 16 to 12

- Strength gain increased from 2.5 to 2.8

- Movement speed increased by 5

- Static Storm cooldown increased from 75 to 85

- Anchor Smash chance to proc increased from 20 to 25%

- Grow bonus damage increased from 40/80/120 to 50/100/150

- Snowball maximum roll duration reduced to 3 seconds
- Snowball movement speed per extra hero reduced from 100% to 50%
- Frozen Sigil HP reduced from 300 to 220/240/260/280
- Removed the extra landing damage from Walrus Punch

- Flesh Golem's Plague slow increased from 7% to 9%

- Removed the small attack damage reduction aspect of Wave of Terror

- Corrosive Skin damage, slow and magic resistance increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/15/20/25

- Rain of Chaos Aghanim Infernals HP and damage increased from 50% of original to 75%

- Static Field aoe from 900 to 1000
- Thundergod's Wrath Scepter from 355/460/570 to 400/500/600

- Attribute bonus and attack damage increased from 8 to 9
- Charges increased from 3 to 4

- Ether Blast damage rescaled from 2.5x Agility to 75 + 2.0x Agility

- Gem now has a stock cooldown of 6 minutes

- Active boost increased from 15 to 16%

- Reduced detection area from 900 to 850
- Movement bonus increased from 10 to 15%
- Initial cast aoe increased from 900 to 1200

* Allies are now notified when you purchase a Smoke of Deceit
* Swapped the attack projectile of Thrall and Chen (280542)
* Added a new visual effect for Omniknight's aura (393596)
* Enigma model now shows team colors (395228)
* Reduced Phoenix model size a little bit
* Added a test mode command to respawn roshan (-roshan)
* Added an ally only visual effect where Ghost Ship will land
* Improved Dark Ritual mana text display so it is easier to read
* Finger of Death and Laguna Blade no longer target magic immune (since they do 0 damage but waste spell)
* Illusory Orb flashes right before it is about to expire
* Added -disablehelp support for Disruption
* Some map size reductions (Unexpect3D)
* Medallion visual effect is played on the caster now as well
* Added a status buff icon for Shallow Grave (251251)

* Fixed Geomancer clones sometimes getting the wrong initial boots before pickup/drop
* Icarus Dive disarm now gets properly dispelled if you become magic immune while the debuff is on you
* Fixed various inconsistencies with Eredar's spell behaviors and Disruption
* Fixed Spawn Spiderlings failing to affect Ethereal units
* Fixed Bloodseeker model size issues with BKB
* Fixed Switch bugs with Strygwyr's Thirst
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed a bug with Illusions working against Supernova
* Fixed Empower status buff icon
* Fixed some rare bugs on Spirit Bear death
* Fixed Io and Harbinger icons moving in tavern
* Fixed Power Treads triggering Last Word
* Fixed enemies being able to see Ice Blast on the minimap when near towers
* Fixed lots of abilities/items having
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